“I Would That I Could Persuade All . . . to Repent”

by Maddie Christensen

Come, Follow Me

In Mormon chapters 1–6, we read about the complete disintegration of civilization due to the people’s wickedness and their rejection of God’s teachings.

“There Could Not Be a Happier People”

by Garry Weiss

Come, Follow Me

Recently I attended a priesthood lesson focused on Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk “A Higher Joy.” The teacher began the lesson with this question: “What brings you joy and happiness?”

“My Kindness Shall Not Depart from Thee”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

When Christ visited the Nephites, He made it clear that though the righteous among them had been preserved, they still had much to change. He showed His love to them by correcting their misunderstandings and helping them work through their shortcomings. 

“Behold, My Joy Is Full”

by Michelle Pack

Come, Follow Me

In 3 Nephi, we find the account of Christ’s visit to the people in the Americas after His crucifixion. He taught them and ministered to them.

“I Am the Law, and the Light”

by Rob Swanson

Come, Follow Me

I will never forget the feeling of the Spirit I felt in the Conference Center in April of 2018 as President Russell M. Nelson, the newly ordained prophet, spoke about changes to how elders quorum would be organized and as he called for the men to arise by quorums.

“Arise and Come Forth unto Me”

by Kamryn Maughan

Come, Follow Me

In an 1884 discourse to the Saints, President Wilford Woodruff said, “There [is] no higher calling on the face of the earth than to become a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.” 

“Be of Good Cheer”

by Lyndie Jackson

Come, Follow Me

The beginning of 3 Nephi always causes me to reflect on how I would feel facing persecution for my beliefs. The Nephites who trusted in the prophecies of the holy prophets faced threats to their lives and to their families.

“Glad Tidings of Great Joy”

by Kamryn Maughan

Come, Follow Me

Samuel the Lamanite boldly prophesied of Jesus Christ, despite being rejected and almost killed. Describing the signs of the birth and death of Jesus Christ was a primary focus of his message to the wicked Nephites.

"Remember the Lord"

by Bekah Marriott

Come, Follow Me

Throughout the Book of Mormon, the word remember is repeated multiple times. The stress of this word helps me understand just how important it is to always remember the Lord and His teachings.

“The Rock of Our Redeemer”

by Garry Weiss

Come, Follow Me

In their efforts to overcome the world and thrive spiritually, Nephi and Lehi remembered the words their father taught in Helaman 5:6–12.