"They Were Steadfast and Immovable”
by Michelle Pack
When Alma’s people began to “wax proud” (Alma 4:6), he was saddened. “There began to be great contentions among the people” (Alma 4:9), and the wickedness of the members of the Church had become a “great stumbling block to those who did not belong to the church” (Alma 4:10).
"We Have Entered into a Covenant with Him"
by Lyndie Jackson
After Alma taught the people near the Waters of Mormon, they wanted so badly to enter into a covenant relationship with God that “they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts” (Mosiah 18:11). They knew that making covenants would lead to their eternal happiness and exaltation if they were faithful.
“In the Strength of the Lord”
by Kamryn Maughan
Each of us faces trials that can feel overwhelming and at times too heavy to bear. But with the Lord’s strength, we can accomplish anything He needs us to. This week in Come, Follow Me, we learn that Zeniff and his people fought “in the strength of the Lord” (Mosiah 9:17). On the other hand, the Lamanites “knew nothing concerning the Lord” and “depended upon their own strength” (Mosiah 10:11).
“A Mighty Change”
by Craig Lindquist
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). Those majestic words spoken by Jesus Christ have stood as a beacon on a hill for Saints of God ever since they were spoken. Christ was not speaking of a passive, vague kind of faith, but He spoke of having an actual knowledge burned into our souls of a living Father who loves His children infinitely and perfectly—and then living according to that knowledge forever.