Wilford Woodruff, Jan 20, 1841, London, England
Painting of Wilford Woodruff by Filippo Pistrucci.
Emma Minella Woodruff at Woodruff Farmhouse, 1880s, Salt Lake City, Utah
Wilford and Emma Smith Woodruff's daughter Emma Manella Woodruff standing on the porch of the Woodruff farmhouse holding her child.
Wilford Woodruff's Brick Home in Nauvoo, Illinois
1886 picture of home built by Wilford Woodruff in Nauvoo, Illinois between 1842 and 1844. (He lived in it for less than 6 weeks.)
Extermination Order
Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs' 1838 Missouri Executive Order 44, aka the "Extermination Order."
Bulah Thompson Woodruff's Headstone, Farmington, Connecticut
Headstone of Wilford Woodruff's mother Bulah Thompson Woodruff
Woodruff Home, Farmington, Connecticut
The home of Aphek Woodruff in Farmington (Avon), Connecticut where Wilford Woodruff lived as a child