Family | Day in the Life of Wilford Woodruff

Writer: Bekah Marriott

Speaker: Jayden Laursen

Editor: Caralyn Cleaver

Day in the Life


On August 6, 1844, Wilford Woodruff traveled to Nauvoo with his family. He wrote:

“We prepared our minds to once more behold the city of Nauvoo and embrace our families and friends. We arrived in the city of Nauvoo [and] we were hailed with joy by all he citizens we met. I accompanied the quorum of the Twelve to their families after which I was conveyed to my own and truly felt to rejoice once more and embrace my wife and children. I spent the night at home with my family, thus it is with me.”

Wilford Woodruff cherished his family. He recognized the importance of his loved ones and trusted God’s promise that he could live with his family forever. 

How has your family been a blessing to you?