“Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?” | Come, Follow Me June 10-16

Speaker: Lilly Barzee 

Editor: Matthew Gonzalez

Come, Follow Me


In this week’s Come, Follow Me we read in Alma 5:14, “Have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?” Profound questions like these challenge us to provide our own profound answers. What do you think it means to allow the gospel of Jesus Christ to change our Hearts?

In order to fully experience a change of heart through Jesus Christ, we must be willing to fully accept his grace. Alma was trying to teach the people that while it was imperative that they kept the commandments, they would never be in a position to save themselves.

This is something Wilford Woodruff seemed to understand. He wrote:  “I pray that I may have grace according to my day I pray that the spirit of God may abide with me & keep my footsteps in the paths of virtue, integrity, & Holiness all the days of my life.”

Wilford’s wholehearted embracement of the gospel allowed him to live with peace, confidence, and a bright hope for the future. He understood that the key to finding joy in life is to let the atoning power of Christ’s grace change your heart. 

What changes are you going to allow Christ to make in your heart?