"Look to God and Live | Come, Follow Me July 29-August 4

Writer: Kamryn Maughan 

Speaker: Matthew Gonzalez

Editor: Caralyn Cleaver

Come, Follow Me


When Alma saw that many of the Nephites were falling into unbelief and wickedness, he gathered his sons to teach them about the gospel and guide them on the covenant path. 

When speaking to Helaman, he emphasized the importance of records, saying in Alma 37:14, “God has entrusted [us] with these things, which are sacred.” As we engage in intentional study of the Book of Mormon, the Lord can enlarge our memory, help us know how to improve, and deepen our relationship with our Father in Heaven (Alma 37:8).

In 1895, President Wilford Woodruff said in a discourse, “Search the scriptures that have come directly to us . . . … and learn to comprehend the mind and will of God, which we can do by reading them when the light of the Holy Spirit is within us, and thus prepare yourselves for that which will come to pass in life.” 

As we rely on the strength that comes from the scriptures, the records that were so carefully handed down and preserved, we can navigate life and stay close to our Heavenly Father.