Day in the Life

May 29, 1835

Journal Entry

May 29, 1835 ~ Friday

Rode to Mr Fosters Preached at his house
from thence to J Jacksons distance 30 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Foster, Elijah
abt. 1791-abt. 1877
Jackson, John
abt. 1791-aft. 1848
53 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Left Br Lane's travled to Mr Fosters preached at his house from thence to Mr Jacksons Distance 30 miles Humphrys Co
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Rode to Mr Fosters and Preached at his house, then to John Jacksons distance 30 miles
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
was taken up and on the next day we had a good time and much of the Spirit and power of God and though we were threatend by wicked men we were not harmed. After communing with the Saints we closed by singing, The Spirit of God like a fire is burning. The last of May was thus far the most interesting & important day of my life for on this day I was ordained one of the Second Seventies. My ordination was requested by the Presidency of the Church at Kirtland. There were glorious things pronounced upon my head by the Spirit of prophecy and revelation. It was said that my enemies would strive to take my life but that God would deliver me out of their hands; that the Lord would give me the desire of my heart and that his eye had been upon me all my life long to prepare me for this work; that I should travel to the nations of the earth and the Islands of the sea to proclaim the word of God. I will here incorporate a true copy of This certifies That Wilford Woodruff has been ordained into the Church of Latter-day Saints organized on the 6th of April in the year of


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May 29, 1835