Magnify your Come, Follow Me study through Wilford Woodruff’s records
“Stand as a Witness”
Week 8
D&C 14-17
From mountain heights pause ye now, and gaze upon the world's magnificence, pride and pomp; then trace the gleams of light along the way in which faithful Elders, prayerfully and earnestly, follow the lowly Nazarene to realms of heavenly glory. Note carefully the faith by which they endure earthly tribulations, in order to gain heavenly crowns. Patiently and faithfully do they bear their message amid the scorn of mocking mobs. Over lands and over seas they carry the Gospel, seeking not to save their lives lest they lose them. Taking no heed of the morrow, they travel without purse or scrip, trusting in God, and receiving, as did their Master, the contempt of the world. What shall be their reward? Peace here, exaltation hereafter! Ministers of Christ here, ruling princes and reigning kings hereafter! Lives eternal shall be their reward; for thus do they come to know God the Father and Jesus whom He hath sent.