Day in the Life

Jul 7, 1835

Journal Entry

July 07, 1835 ~ Tuesday

Rode to Br J Jackson's preached at his hous 4 miles
this was A day appointed by our enemies to meet at Br
Jacksons for the purpos of mobing us but while sickness fell
upon some & fear upon others they Abandoned their designs


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Jackson, John
abt. 1791-aft. 1848
53 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Daybook (13 January 1835 - 26 November 1836)
Rode from Br Utleys to John Jacksons preach at his house ^4 miles^ to an attentive congregation this was a Day appointed by our enemies to meet at Br Jacksons for the purpose of mobing us but while sickness sceased [seized] some & fear others they abandoned their design
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Rode to John Jackson's & preached at his house 4 miles. There was an appointment made by the mob to meet at Brother Jacksons today for the purpose of mobing us but while sickness fell
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
On the I rode [to] John Jackson's and preached at his house. There had been an appointment made by a mob for the purpose of disturbance but as sickness fell upon some and fear upon others they gave up their designs.


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Jul 7, 1835