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Day in the Life

Aug 24, 1836

Journal Entry

August 24, 1836 ~ Wednesday

24 Travled to Br Tailors whare I found Br Cathcart
who had a Letter for me on perusing it I found it
was from my Parents I was rejoiced to hear from
them the Letter informed me about many friends
that ware enjoying good health distance 20 [miles]


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36 mentions
Taylor, Levi
13 Feb 1802 - 5 Apr 1884
90 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)
24 Travled to Br Taiylors whare I found Br Cathcart who had a Letter for me on perusing it I found it was from my Parents I was rejoiced to hear from them the Letter informed me about many friends distance 20 miles

Aug 24, 1836