Wilford stays with Charles Brown (father of future wife Sarah Elinor Brown).
Oct 30th I visited the Bangor I found a high sea & saw a vessel wreck'd
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November 1, 1837 ~ Wednesday NOV 1st We left the wharf at Portland, at 7 oclock AM. on board the Bangor. Howse Captain. The wind that had been blowing for several days caused a high sea, & it still continued. We had not gone far before we came in sight of the waves & breakers mast high. We had a snow storm during the day, most all of us on board were sick: after being tosted upon the sea for eight hours, I landed In company with Mrs Woodruff at Owls Head, at 3 oclock PM. our fare $6. I enquired among the shiping for a passage to Vinal haven (the Islands) I could find none. I called upon several to get conveyance to Thomaston but without affect. & after spending several hours in the snow storm & suspens about getting further, I returned to Mr Paine's tavern whare I had left Mrs Woodruff. I retired to the grove, & Knelt down to call upon God in the same place whare Elder Hale & myself made prayer & supplication unto God, for deliv erance, on the 19th Aug. The Lord herd our Prayers then & I believed He would again: & I called upon him to open our way. I then returned to the Inn, retired to rest with a determination to trust in God. distance of the day 84 miles November 2, 1837 ~ Thursday 2nd We arose in the morning, refreshed by sleep & rest. Mr. Paine, conveyed us in his chaise to east Thomaston. We soon got passage on board of Capt Wright's Sloop, for the Islands. We left the shore {after much suspense} at noon, reached the Island in two hours. & I truly felt to rejoice and thank God for the privilege of setti ng my feet again upon North fox Islands in Vinalhaven, & to add to my happiness was accompanied by my [Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff|companion]]. We walked to Mr Hezekiah Eames & dined with him, from thence to Br Justus Eames; & of a truth we met a welcome reception. & found all of the saints rejoicing in God, & strong in the faith. We spent the night at Br Eames 20 [miles]
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