Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1837

Journal Entry

November 16, 1837 ~ Thursday

16th I went on board the vessel and fell upon my knees & pra-
yed for God to have mercy upon the people & cause the
Book of Mormon to prove a Blessing to the Island. We
left Esq Turner's wharf on board the vessel at 12 oclock
at noon. We were becalmed on the way, and if St. Paul
rowed hard to make the land in a tempest [Acts 27] so did we row
hard to make the land in a calm. We were eight hours
in travling 12 miles and after rowing three hours we
reached Capt Coombs at 8 oclock PM. distance 12 miles


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Coombs, Benjamin
27 Jun 1789 - 10 Jun 1851
18 mentions
Maine Mission
Turner, John
13 Mar 1810 - 12 Jan 1887
4 mentions
Maine Mission
159 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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November 16, 1837 ~ Thursday 16th I went on board the vessel and fell upon my Knees & pra- yed for God to have mercy upon the People & cause the Book of Mormon to prove a Blessing to the Island.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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of Mormon]] which they promised to read and returned on the , in the same

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

mormon]] which they promised to read, and ^I^ returned on the ., I continued by labors during the winter of 1837–8, and nearly every person had attended my meetings, and taken sides for, or against. Our enemies made attempts to break up our meetings.

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

I continued my labors during the winter of 1837-8, and nearly every person had attended my meetings, and taken sides for or against. Our enemies made attempts to break up our meetings.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

the . I continued my labors during the winter of 1837-8, and nearly every person had attended my meetings, and taken sides for or against. Our enemies made attempts to break up our meetings.


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Nov 16, 1837