Dear friends in the new and everlasting
I, Willford Woodruff, sit
down to inform you, that I have just
heard, correctly, of the deplorable state
of things in Kirtland, and I have this
day held a council with Elders J. Ball
and J. Townsend, who are now with
me upon these Islands, and we resolved
to address a few lines to you concern-
ing our feelings, and set before you a
brief account of things with us, and the
course we intend to pursue. I have
labored principally alone upon these
Islands, since Elder Hale left last fall,
and the work of the Lord has prosper-
ed in my hands, or in other words, the
Lord has worked with me during the
winter. Elder Joseph Ball has been
with me for a number of weeks past
upon the Islands. There is rising of
40 members in the church on these Isl-
ands, and they are strong in the faith.
I returned last evening from a mission
in company with Elder James Town-
send. we have been visiting the most
notable cities and vilages in the eastern
country, and delivering unto them the
word of God.
We preached in their City Halls,
Chapels, School houses, dwellings &c.,
in such places as Camden, Belfast,
Northport, Frankfort, Hampden and
the City of Bangor. Doors were open
in all of these places, and many others
I might mention, and the people heard
with profound attention; and many are
believing. I never saw more doors
open for doing good, than at the pres-
ent time in the State of Maine: But
the Devil is stired up against me here
on the Island.
One Methodist priest has applied
several times for a warrant to take me,
but the Officers, as yet, will not grant
him any, for he cannot bring any ac-
cusation against me in truth or justice.
The most trouble I now have, is the
stopping the papers. I have forwarded
about 30 subscribers with the money,
and now the press is burnt down, and
our enemies roar in the midst of the
congregations, and they set up these
ensigns for signs.
I expect the report of these things
will come like a clap of thunder in the
ears of the Saints upon these Islands
and else where. They do not know it
yet, but are wondering why these pa-
pers do not come. We have appointed
a time to meet the church, and we
shall lay all these things before them
and trust in God for wisdom to direct
us. The Elders that are with me are
expecting to go to their homes, and I
shall be left to fight the battles alone.
Brethren, pray for me out of Zion,
for I have a load to bear; but in the
name of Elijah's God, I am determined
to stand at my post. I feel as though
the time of Jacob's trouble had began,
but I know God will deliver him out of
it, and fulfil his word.
We are advising the Saints of God
to go from this country to Zion, as soon
as they can. I suppose this is right:
many are preparing to go the following
Now we say to the Presidency of the
church in Zion; we do not expect to
counsel you, nor any one there, let
God be your counselors. But we ask,
can it not be consistent with the will of
God and your feelings and circum-
stances, to soon publish the Elders'
Journal from Zion, that we may have
one weapon, to cut away some of the
deep gloom, that will be cast upon the
minds of thousands of the Saints, by
wicked men and devils, and false breth-
ren. The traveling Elders feel the
wait of these things, equally, if not
more than those who are in Zion; for
we are naked targets to the press and
tongue, as we pass through the midst
of the Gentiles. O my God! have
mercy and support us, I pray, through
the toils that are to come, that our gar-
ments may be washed white in the
blood of the Lamb! for it is through
tribulation that we inherit the blessing
and overcome.
Could the Elders' Journal be contin-
ued, it would be great relief to the feel-
ings of all the faithful; for while our
enemies are publishing against us,
even in Kirtland, we should also know
what God is doing for his Saints.
Brethren, we pray you to consider
this last clause, not for our sake alone,
but for the sake of all the faithful that
are scattered abroad. We do not make
these remarks because we have any
lack of confidence in you—No. God
forbid, we believe you have done, and
will do all that lies in your power for