Day in the Life

May 27, 1838

Journal Entry

May 27, 1838 ~ Sunday

27 Sunday we preached at Mr Abers upon the first principles of the gospel spent the night at Mr Abers


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Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

Pratt]] and attended meetings with him ^un^till the . When I went up the North River and preached at ^to^ New Burgh and preached in several towns in New York and New Jersey and walked around the country to Farmington Connecticut and arived at my

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

O. Pratt until the , when I went up the North river to Newburgh and preached in several towns in New York & New Jersey, and walked accross the country to Farmington Conn. and arrived at my fathers house June 11, (1838) I commenced preaching at my fathers house; July 1st, I baptized six persons in Farmington river, including my Father, step mother and my ownly sister, Eunice, also cousin Seth Woodruff, aunt Anna Cossett and Dwight Webster, a Methodist class leader, who was boarding at my Fathers house. When the Patriarch Joseph Smith Sen. gave me my blessing, he said, I should bring my fathers household into

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

until the , when I went up the North river to Newburgh, and preach- ed in several towns in New York and New Jersey, and walked across the country to Farmington, Connecticut,

Daybook (9 May - 9 July 1838)

27th Sunday we preached at Mr Abers upon the first principles of the gospel and spent the night at Mr Abers


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May 27, 1838