Day in the Life

Mar 15, 1840

Journal Entry

March 15, 1840 ~ Sunday

Confirmed 22 persons

15th Sunday I preached at Frooms Hill. I
met with the Saints in the afternoon &
confirmed 22 persons & ordained John Cheese
to the office of a priest. I preached in the
evening to a congregation of about 800 but
some of the baser sort made much Distur
bance there was a number of persons that
wished to be Baptized but returned home witho
ut it in consequence of the people this was
a labourious day to me 2 miles


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Cheese, John
1800-abt. 1846
43 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren


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Mission - 1840 Record of British Converts
Confirmed 22 persons
Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
Sunday the I preached at Froom's Hill and met with the Saints in the afternoon and confirmed twenty two persons and ordained John Cheese to the office of Priest. In the evening I preached to a congregation of about eight hundred but some of the baser sort made much disturbance. There was a number of persons that wished to be pbaptized but they had to return home without it in consequence of the people. On the next day I walked to Mainston and obtained a license for preaching in any place under the English Government. On my return I visited a number of persons and found them beleiving. I preached at Froom's Hill and baptized three persons The day following I had an agreeable interview with Mr Thomas Kington the Superintendent of the United Brethren. I laid the fulness of the Gospel before him and he received the testimony.


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Mar 15, 1840