24th [FIGURE] A preacher called upon me & after I con
versed with him a while he requested Baptism at my
hands I changed my clotheing & as I got ready
to go [to] the pool, three other preachers rode up in a gig
or charriot to see me. the fame had gone out into
all the country of the spedy work that God was
performing they had not herd me preach or any
Latter Day Saint but had come more than
20 miles to see me. they came down out of
the Gig & walked to whare I was, notwithstanding
they were Ministers yet I stood up & boldly declaired
unto them Jesus & testified unto them of the
great work of God in these last Days & the power
of God rested upon us, & they bowed down &
prayed & gave glory to God, & we all rose up
& the Gig stood still & we all went down
into the water at the same hour & I
Baptized them & lade my hands upon them
that they might receieve the Holy Hhost & they
went their way rejoiceing. I thent walked
to Moorends Cross & spent the night & preached
at Brother William Parsons & preached Baptized
5 persons more making 9 persons Baptized
^ During the day I wrote a letter to Alfred Cordon
I Also confirmed 8 persons {Distance of the day} 6 mil
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