Day in the Life

Apr 3, 1840

Journal Entry

April 03, 1840 ~ Friday

April 3rd A hand pointing to the right I wrote two Letters one to Richards
& one to Mulliner & walked to Gadfields Elm
& preached in the Chapel to a large congregation
& spent the night at Mr Hills at Turkey Hall. 8 [miles]


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Hill, Benjamin
1797-aft. 1845
10 mentions
1840 British Convert
Muliner, Samuel Mulliner
15 Jan 1809 - 25 Feb 1891
35 mentions
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Letter to Willard Richards, 3 April 1840
[page torn] [hole burned in paper] Glostershire Elder W. Richards Dear Brother I supposed you noticed that I did not answer any of your qustion in my last letter which you asked in March 27th the truth is I did not have time ownly to glance it over hastily & hurry since looked it over care fully I thought I would sit down & write a few lines more to you. I remarked to you in the last that I wished. you to come soon & labour with me awhile I did not as fully give my reason for the remark as I ought & should have done if I had room. But I would here remark that I did not make the request thinking that I had any power, desire, or wish to controll you. But Becaus it was the desire of my heart, & feeling that I need council & assistance for much depends upon the manner the field is governed here I want to hold several councils or conferences in this region & ordain officers in the different Branches Besides their will be many to confirm. I have confirmed about 100 & their will soon be another hundred to confirmed & I have just as much as I can do to preach & to Baptze daily without confirming. theirfore I stand much in need of some assistance & council in such a field. I have Baptzed about 40 preachers of the Unted Brethren primitive Methidist. [&] it has flung into my hands about 50 esstablished places of preaching which are licensed including one or two chapels. & you can see at once Elder Richards that it am overwhelming labour to be upon one man. & he needs his spirit sanctified & his Body Immortal to stand such a labour & it has put me at times to my wits ends to know what to do with so many places of preachings & preachers, But according to the Best wisdom I could get I could have pursued the following course I have finally told the preahers to continue to fill their appointments & teach righteousness & try to prepare the minds of the people for the fulness of the gospel, but not to administer in any of the ordinances of the gospel untill I can have some help & set in order the churches & ordain such persons as God shall call. the reason I have done this is the as soon as the preachers disappoint the meeting & congregation those houses of worship will be shut up & sants might be shut out of the Kingdom that otherwise might come [in] tell me what your feelings are about such a course. I am well aware Brother Richards their is much to do in many places But it does appear to me that their is no field at present in England, whare your labour & council is more needed or would be of more benefit than to join me in this field a season. I have no controll at oll over you in this matter. But should consider it a great privilege & favor to labour together awhile you with you. If you can set in order your house & leave Sister Richards a season with some friends or friend, I think you would enjoy Bettr health here as it is entirey a farming country. Should you come will you please remember to Bring me the first No of times & Seasons & the Book of written Rev that I left with you & if you come by the way of the Potteries will you call upon Brother Wm Hulme in Stoke & ask him to send to me that Little china Box a present from Brother Rowley. I have written to Brothr Turley but had no answer as yet. if either preston, Manchester, or the potteries churches felt to do any thing for him as you come along you could conveigh it to tim in Stafford as you pass though. If you can any way come soon I should be glad to see you I wonder why the Twelve do not come from America. I feel as though word ought to be soon sent for 20 or 30 or a whole quorum of the Seventies for I dont see when their will be a Better opportunity to prune England than the present. I Baptzed 13 the day that I wrote your letter 9 yesterday & many tomorrow & Sunday (Write after [1] pence a letter) If the Moon family gets ready would it not be well to give them a Recommendation & let them go. did the three families go from preston. should you be in Ledbury alone their is a lane neary opposite the Market house walk down that street by a tan yard 100 yards & enquire for Francis Pullen his wife is a Member. I am sorry about Brothr Mullener I wondr what is the Matter of him whether he is under any transgressing or whether it is the devil desireing to destroy his usefullness I am inclined to believe the Latter let us pray for him that he may be supported untill some Elders come [that] one go to his assistance I think of writing him a letter to day as I have not yet I am now leaving all confirming for another time & shall appont meetings for [that] purpose & I pray God that you may be with me to assist me in it. It is strange that none of us hear from America I have not herd from my family for about 6 months. It seems that Abisah & Abiram in Preston begins to think that Moses takes to much upon himself but they must be careful that they dont burn their fingers give my Best Respects to Sistr Richards let not her courage fail, [Rememebrre] me to all Saints I am ever yours in the Love of God W Woodruff


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Apr 3, 1840