The first Council of the Twelve among the Nations
At a council of the Twelve held in Preston Lancashire
Englang on the fourteenth of April eighteen hundred and
forty, Elders Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimble, Parley P.
Pratt, Orson Pratt, Willford Woodruff, John Taylor &
George A. Smith being present—
Elder Brigham Young was called to the Chair &
Elder John Taylor chosen as Secretary. It being the
ninth day of the first month of the eleventh year of the
Church. The Council was opened by prayer by Elder
Brigham Young. Elder Willard Richards was
ordained to the office of an Apostle & recieved
into the Quorum of the Twelve by a unanimous
voice according to previous revelation. Elder
Brigham Young was unanimously choses
as the standing president of the Twelve
Resolved that he who acts as the Secretary of
the Quorum shall prepare the minutes of the
conferences of the quorum & deposite
them in the hands of the President for keeping.
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