9th I walked to Colwall & spent the night at
Johnathan Lucy during this days walk I had a
grand survey of the works of nature & the pow
er of God while standing upon the top of Marlver[n]
Hill elevated from 12 to 1500 feet in the air
whare I had a view of all the surrounging
country for many miles the city of
Worcester is in plain view in the North &
Gloster in the South with several large villages
between & Ledbury with other villages in the wes[t]
with a fine beautiful cultivated vale upon
evry hand, & while standing upon this eminance
& beholding this grand prospect or survey to
add to the solemnity of the scenery the thu-
nders began to roll & lightnings flash
beneath my feet while the rain desended in
torrents in the vale beneath while I was
in the midst or above the clouds to
behold the scene
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