Day in the Life

Jul 13, 1840

Journal Entry

July 13, 1840 ~ Monday

July 13th I received a lengthy & interesting Letter from
[FIGURE] Letter from Phebe W W Phebe W. Woodruff from which I made some
extracts to be inserted in the Star which will appear in
the 4th No. My wife informs me in this Letter that
the Rev Mr Bogart a Methodist Preacher who was the
Leader of the Missouri mob in the persecution of
the Saints, has shot a man during the Election who
died in few hours. Mr Bogart has had his trial &
is to be hung on the 4th day of July next. Also that
an Indian with his wife & daughter has embraced
the fulness of the gospel & Been Baptized in Commerce
the Indian is an Interpreter of six tribes, & the Indian
says all of those tribes will receive the work, & two
Elders with their families (Brothers Butler & Emmit)
have gone out among the Indians on a mission &c
As this is the first commencment of the work among
the Lamanites I Pray God the Eternal Father in the
name of Jesus Christ to roll on his work among that
people & turn ther captivity & spedily overshadow
them with the light of the fulness of the gospel of
Jesus Christ. Roll on O ye mighty wheel of the Kingdom
of God untill ye becom a mountain & fill the whole
earth. [Daniel 2:34-35] Let the day which has now broke close no more
untill Judah rejoices & Israel is made glad &
Ephraim's Nobles are of himself & his Governour procede
forth out of the midst of him. [Jeremiah 30:21] Let the prayer of
the widow, & the cry of the orphan assend into
the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, let the heavens
witness their tears & record them on high, untill
the Almighty shall come out of his hiding place
& avenge those widows & orphens of the spilt Blood
of their Martered husbands & Fathers which was
shed by the Iron hand of the Inhabitants of Missouri
for the word of God & the testimon of Jesus Christ
Let the American Nation spedily learn that their is
still a God in Israel who holds the destinies of
all nations in his own hand & at whose command
goes forth the issues of life & death. O Lord cloth
thy Saints with salvation & thine Elders with the
power of God. Give thy Prophets wisdom, means, &
power, to esstablish Zion & her stakes to be throne down
no more forever; Make thy no Apostles men after thine
own heart & swift witnesses to the nations of the
earth let council, wisdom, & the fear of God rest
upon them untill all thy purposes are accomplished
concerning them which thou wilt Deign to perform!!


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119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Butler, John Lowe
8 Apr 1808 - 10 Apr 1860
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Bogart, Samuel
2 Apr 1797 - 11 Mar 1861


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Let the American Nation spedily learn that their is still a God in Israel who holds the destinies of all nations in his own hand & at whose command goes forth the issues of life & death
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Phebe Whittemore Carter Woodruff, 4 May 1840
Manchester, . TO THE EDITOR OF THE STAR. Dear Brother, Having just received a letter from Mrs. Woodruff, I make a few extracts, to be inserted in the Star, if you think proper.--W. WOODRUFF. Montrose, Iowa Territory, North America, May 4, 1840. My dear Companion, The Conference held in Com- merce on the 6th of April, was at- tended with much interest. More than 70 were baptised, many elders ordained, and much business trans- acted. Elder O. Hyde and John E. Page, started on their mission, soon after the Conference, to visit the Jews. They go first to the Jews in New York, and then on to Palestine. They will call upon you in England, as it will be on the way. The work is rolling on in this country with a greater rapidity than ever before since the foundation of the Church. There was an Indian, his wife, and daughter, baptised in Commerce a few days since; they came some hundreds of miles to be- come acquainted with the work; they believed and embraced it joyfully. They said every word of the Book of Mormon was true. He was an in- terpreter to six tribes, and he said every one of his brethren would re- ceive it; he knew it would be so. Two Elders, with their families, have gone out among the Indians on a mission. Doctor Galland has just returned from his mission, (I think he started just before you left Mont- rose,) and has brought 60 families with him, and expects, it is said, 200 families more soon. Commerce is building up surpri- singly; the emigration there is said to be much greater than it ever was in Caldwell County. I trust that you obtain the "Times and Seasons," as the Editors said they were forwarding them to each of the Travelling Council. From those papers you will learn of our Brethren's success in this country, and many things more correctly than I can in- form you by writing. There has been much destruction of shipping in this country during the past season. Since the destruction of Natchez by a whirlwind, news has reached us that New Orleans was covered with ten feet of water, and that it was still rising. It is said that the Indians have been into two counties in Mis- souri, and demanded and obtained money, as a kind of tax for the land; and that there are many fears enter- tained by the Missourians concerning the Indians. The Rev. Mr. Bogart, the Metho- dist preacher, who was the leader of the Missouri mob in the late perse- N


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Jul 13, 1840