10th I took the parting hand with Elders
Kimball & G. A. Smith & the friends in London
having spent 23 days in that great city for
the purpose of warning the people & esstablishing
the kingdom & we all found as hard work
to find saints & build up a church as in any
place we ever visited we Baptized one man
& ordained him a priest & 6 others gave in
there names to be Baptized on next Saturday
or Sunday & also there was some little pro
spect of the Rev R. Aitken's A.M. receiving & embr
acing the work which will open doors to many
honest souls so I felt to rejoice that our lab
ours were not altogether in viain. I took the
omnibus & rode 3 miles to the great western
rail way Padington Depot. I took the railcar
at 9 oclock & rode 70 miles passed by Winser Castle
with the British flag raised as a token that
her Magesty was there. I again took coach at
Farrington road station & rode 40 miles to Chel-
tenham at which place I arived at 4 oclock here I
found Elder Browett & wife, Sister Lambert
& Br & Sister Crook after spending 3 hours in
Cheltenham I rode home with Elder Browett
6 miles & spent the night. On my return to
these churches connected withe Herefordshire
conference &c I rejoice to find the work univer
sally progressing with great rapidity upon evry
hand even some cases among the Nobility whare
they are becomeing convinced the work is of God
yea the Lord is making a spedy work & short in
the Earth. Distance of the day 119 miles
Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.
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View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.