Day in the Life

Sep 28, 1840

Journal Entry

September 28, 1840 ~ Monday

Minutes of the Conference of the
Staffordshire Potteries Sept 28 1840

The conference met at Hanly Staffordshire
on the 28th Sept there being present one of the
travling council 4 Elders 11 Priest 5 Teachers
& 2 Deacons. The meeting was then called
to order by Elder Simpson when it was
moved & carried that Elder W. Woodruff be
chosen President of the conference & Osmond
clerk. The meeting was then opened by
singing & Prayer by the President who addr
essed the meeting concerning the business of
the day. It was moved & seconded that
John Rowley, & William Knight be ordained Elders

Also William Salt William Plant
James Grocott John Rowley
Charles Stevenson John Mason
John Wardle John Wood
Thomas Amison William Mountford
John Taylor Enoch Thomas
Thomas Page & John Hunt be ordaind Priest

Also George Wainwright Samuel Rowley
John Grocott W [blank] Hancock
Richard Brough & Joseph Hudson be ordained Teachers

Also Joseph Booth Benjamin Mycock
James Martin & William Booth
William Bolton Be ordained Deacons
carried unanimously

The above named persons were then ordained
under the hands of Elders W Woodruff &
George Simpson. The President then called upon
the official members to represent the various
Branches of the Church when

members [Elders] [Priests] [Teachers] [Deacons]
Wm Bradbury P[riest] represented Burslem & Hanly Churches 87 5 12 4 2
[Wm Bradbury P[riest] represented] Badly Edge [Churches] 6 0 2 1
Edward Edge [represented] New Castle 15 4 1 1
Elder John Rowley Stoke [Churches] 18 1 4 1 1
Thomas Amison P [represented] Lane End 39 1 3 1 1
Er Richard Rushton [represented] Leek 45 2 4 1 2
Spencer Walker P. [represented] Tunstell 11 3 1 1
Total 231 9 32 9 9

Moved & carried that Badley Edge be organized
a Branch

Moved & carried that Elder Cordon represent
this conference to the general conference to be
held at Manchester on the 6th of Oct 1840

Moved & carried that this conferenc adjourn
to the 28th Dec. The meeting then concluded
by singing & Prayer, & in the afternoon the
officers met when Elder Woodruff addressed
them at length & gave much council & advice
& the Blessing of God was with us through
the day

5 Baptized after

Willford Woodruff President
O Shaw Clerk


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cordon, Alfred
28 Feb 1817 - 13 Mar 1871
2 mentions
Thomas, Enoch
abt. 1819 - 1885
Simpson, George
abt. 1814-1855
Grocott, John
abt. 1814 - 1876
Hunt, John
1805 - aft. 1840
4 mentions
1840 British Convert
Mason, John J.
abt. 1818–1863
Wardle, John
Wood, John
abt. 1803-1876
2 mentions
2 mentions
Brough, Richard
24 Jun 1787 - 4 Feb 1873
4 mentions
1840 British Convert
2 mentions
2 mentions
Bolton, William Boulton
abt. 1785–1852
2 mentions

Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
There were present one of the Twelve Apostles four Elders eleven Priests five Teachers and one Deacon The meeting was called to order by Elder Simpson and Willford Woodruff chosen President and Osmond Shaw clerk. The meeting being organized the conference was begaun by singing followed by prayer from the President who then addressed the members and officers upon the business of the day Afterwaards under the hands the President Willford Woodruff and Elder Simpson there were ordained the following offices


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Sep 28, 1840