Day in the Life

Oct 8, 1840

Journal Entry

October 08, 1840 ~ Thursday

8th I sat in council with the Twelve at the
house of Elder Riichards & spent the day at his house
I received three letters from Herefordshir


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Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Religious - Elizabeth Bromley Rushton's vision, 8 October 1840
Lane End Staffordshire At one oclock at noon there came a deep sleep upon me & I slept one hour. I was awoke with a hand tounching me, I looked aroug around me & saw one standing by the side of me, clothed in linen, his face had the apprearance of much meekness & love & much light. I said oh. he said fear not, he came & touched me with his hand, then fear departed from me. I said doth the Lord love me so much he said it is thy faith in the servants of the God of Heaven. thou hathe hast colothed the Naked & feed the hungry & the God of heaven will feed thee forever & forever, & the desire of thy heart shall be granted thee in Gods own time. No weapon shall prosper against thee for thou art sealed up unto the Lord think it not strange when you see many fall away & some of the Elders of this church, for the scripture must be fullfilled many are called but few are chosen. thou hast desired to see this day & when thou goest to thine inheritants I will go with thee to take care of thee. one thing I say unto thee. thou must not think because some will fall away from their stedfastness that they were not called to their office, some have desired their office, & some will fall by their desires. see thou desire no one thing but that which is given thee ^from^ of the father, if the father gives a desire there will be the assurance of the gift, & as desirese increases there will


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Oct 8, 1840