Day in the Life

Nov 13, 1840

Journal Entry

November 13, 1840 ~ Friday

13th A folded letter/box I received a letter from O. Pratt I wrote
A hand pointing to the right one in return to him I also wrote a letter to Br
Browett. We took a walk to London Bridg[e]
visited St Pauls Church, the Bank of England
& many other places. It was a vary rainy
day & they think there is nothing worse than a
rainy day in London. On our return home
we found the people flung into great confusion in
consequence of a visit from a country cow
who had never been in London before & did not
understand the Law or custom of the citiy
& she began to chase the people & when I saw
her men women & children were runing for
there lives & the cow at there heels & just befor[e]
she got to us she drove one man through a door

head first into a shoe store with her hornes
She not being satisfyed with this the next
lunge she made she jumped head first thrugh
a window into a Tailors store carrying
window & sash wish but not liking her positon
she soon backed out & run down the street
committing depridations as she wendt with her
owner in a waggon upon a run after her. it
was evident the cow was mad crazy o fright
end or els she did not [k]now how to act in a
city. It was not long since that a mad Bull jumpd
through a large window in London into a china
shop & he commit great damage for the more the
china rattleed around him the more he tor[e] it
to pieces & he was a vary unwelcome visitor 6 m[iles]


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Browett, Daniel
18 Dec 1809 - 27 Jun 1848
65 mentions
1840 British Convert, United Brethren
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1082 mentions


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Letter to Daniel Browett, 13 November 1840
52 Ironmonger Row, Saint Lukes, London. Nov. 7th Elder D Browett Beloved Brother I sit down in company with Brother Pitt this morning to address another letter to you. I am sorry that I have made my frinds, so much trouble in their rendering me assistance. I wrote you a letter in the first place making mention of the situation of things here & our circumstances &c. & I waited a long time & had no reply finally I had a letter from Elder Kington informing me that you had Mailed a letter to me at Chettenhan containing £2 which letter I never got & as soon as I obtained this infor- mation I went to the general post office in London & made inquiry concerning it & am searching their Books & Way Bills they found the Letter had never reachd London & they have taken the matter in hand & are tring to trace it out. I also sat down & wrote you a letter concerning it, & I want you to write me a letter & tell me If you got the last letter which I wrote. I requested you in that letter to inform me, who wrote & signed the letter containing the money & the date of it & who carried it to the post office & was it entered as a money letter &c. I wish you would write me a letter & tell me all about this & would it not be well for you to see the post Master in Chettenham & enquire about it &c. I informed you in my last letter that the ownly safe way was to get a

Nov 13, 1840