Day in the Life

Nov 30, 1840

Journal Entry

November 30, 1840 ~ Monday

30th A folded letter/box I received a letter from Elder O Pratt &
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 2 letters one to O. Pratt & one to B. Young
& H. C. Kimball. I took a vary interesting
walk with Doctor Copeland through evry appar
tment of the College of Surgeons at Lincolns
Infields which was truly interesting. I again
visited the same on the 7th Day of Dec in company
with Doctor Copeland and Elders B Young
& H. C. Kimball, & went through evry appartment
of it and was much interested see Dec 7th 14840

A Visit to the College of Surgeons
At Lincons Infields Dec 7th 1840
[sideways text]
[end of sideways text]

After entering the building in front and passing
through several small rooms unoccupied, we ente
red a vary large Room mostly occupied with—
skeleton's of natural History of evry description
the Mamouth, Elephant, Lions Tigers & evry wild bea
st of the forest & Domestic Animals, & the Crockadile
& serpent of evry kind & the fish of the sea.
This Room also contained several skeleton's

of the Human frame one which is vary Noted
viz the celebrated O Brian his skeleton was
8 feet in highth & well proportioned He was
8 feet & 4 inches in hight when alive, there
were others of large stature. The Joining Room
was occupied with a great variety of parts, &
whole Human Bodies & Frames in various stages
& states. Some bodies were whole & embalmed one
ownly that was Egyptian. Some the skin & flesh
was taken away & the bones, arters & sinews, left
in their Natural state, which were prepared with
the greatest pains & care, parts of the body such
as the hand & foot sc were in a prepared state with
the skin of showing the veins, sinews, nevrves
&c. many skuls were in this room showing the
effect of various disease. A number of hearts
were preserved in their natural state both from
the Human & Animal creation one from A
whales. Their were four Rooms Above which
we visited, which contained a vast variety
objects preserved in spirits, of evry description of
the Human, Animal, Amphibious, & Serpentile race
evry part of the Human body dissected & preserved
in spirits, & many Human monsters, & children
{from the first month of pregnancy to full grown children} One vessel chontain-
ed five small children born at one birth but
without life. There were some peculiar
preperations both of natural History & the Huma[n]
system by injecting quick silver in to the finest
fibres of the body, which were all for the
purpose of giving surgeons a knowledge of evry
part of the system, which was quite Interesti[ng]
to an person feeling interested in the subject of

6 m[iles]

On my return home I was soon Joined by Elders
B. Young & H. C Kimball, who had come to London
to spend a week or two It was truly a treat
to once more meet with these Brethren we spent
the night together


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3472 mentions
Apostle, Family
Byrne, Charles
1 mention
Historical Figure
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1467 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1088 mentions
Copeland, William
abt. 1802 - unk.


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Nov 30, 1840