6th Sunday proved an interesting Day to us
Elders Young, Kimball, & William attended meeti-
ng at St Pauls Church in the morning I met with
the Saints at No [blank]
at Father Corners & read & conversed with them. We
all met at the Academy at 3 oclock had about 50
preasent {Elder} Kimball preached to them. An independant
Minister invited me home with him to take tea I accep
ted the Invitation & had a good time I preached
the gospel to him he received my testimony & offered
me his Chappel that would hold 800 & he thoug-
ht he should be Baptized & would try to get his
society to Do the same. We again met at halpf
past six, & had the most in our room that we have ever
had. Br Young Preached & was followed by
Br's Kimball, Williams, Corner, Hulme, &
Woodruff. We had a vary interesting
time one offered for Baptism some of the
Aitkenites were Present one purchased a
Hymn Book wished us to call upon them &
thought they would be Baptized. We then
met at Father Corners & communed with the Sain[ts]
& had a good time I rejoice at the prospect tha[t]
appears this day for an opening for I have laboured
a long time in London & the work has gone slow
but now it appears like a wide opening may the
Lord roll on his work spedily I pray
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