Day in the Life

Dec 25, 1840

Journal Entry

December 25, 1840 ~ Friday

The Church Bells throughout the city comm-
enced chanting for meeting at half past ten
we met with the Saints at Father Corner Room
Georges Row 24 at 11 o'clock & we tought
the Saints some plain principles, which had a
good effect, we took our Christmas dinner
with Br Morgan he had his family at home with
him the Dinner consisted of Baked Mutton
Goose, Rabit Pies, Minced Pies, & Plum Pudding
& bread & cheese, Porter & water. We spent
the evening at Mr Albums in conversing
about the things of God, we returned
home, after sitting an hour with the family
we retired to rest. This is the first Christ-
mas I ever spent in England, whare I shall
be the next Christmas day the Lord ownly
knows, & what a year to come will bring forth
we cannot tell, But may the Lord preserve
my life, my wife & child in peace I pray &
enable all the Saints to be esstablished in righteo-
. Christmas is considerd the greatest of all
days in England.


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Morgan, Benjamin
abt. August 1845
Albon, James
1 May 1793 - 21 Sep 1870
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions


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Related Documents

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
in London Christmas is the greatest day of the year in England and this was the first Christmas day I ever spent in a foreign land. In the morning the church bells throughout London chanted for meeting and the Saints also met for service. After morning service comes what gives the halo of glory and jolity to Old Christmas—the dinner. The service of the day is something like the blessing before meat but the Christmas ^dinner^ is an institution with the nation and Christmas holds his feast of State in every city town and hamlet—in every palace mansion and cottage and comfortless is the wretched place which merry Christmas enters not Our Christmas dinner was eat with brother Morgan and family and the evening was spent with the Rev. Mr Albon in conversing about the things of God.


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Dec 25, 1840