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Day in the Life

Jun 13, 1841

Journal Entry

June 13, 1841 ~ Sunday
13th Sunday I attended meeting at the Methodist
meeting house in the morning. I held a meeting
at Sister Sarah B Foss's at 2 oclock & preached
to a large congregation most of which were destit
ute of faith in the fulness of the Gospel

[upside-down text]
^Russian steam ship Camchatskia. Main shaft
eleven tons. It is 235 feet in length, 40 foot beam.
Carries 16 guns, 12 & 32 Pounders. 4 cannonades.
Cost $500,000. requires 500 men to arm her [FIGURE]^
[end of upside-down text]


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Foss, Sarah Brackett Carter
30 Sep 1800 - 4 Mar 1894
176 mentions


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Jun 13, 1841