Day in the Life

Sep 18, 1841

Journal Entry

September 18, 1841 ~ Saturday

18th We got into Lockport in the morning I dreamed
of seeing many snakes last night enemies are at
hand from some quarter I left Lockport in the
morning at 11 oclock in company with Mrs
Woodruff & Br & Sister Moreore took the rail cars
& rode to the far famed Niagiary falls it was
truly a splended & magnificent sight we went
over goat Island, desended 100 steps went under
the falls we had a good view of them. we went
on to the monument we here had a view of the
Ship Detroit that fought in the battle of Lake
on the 10th Sept 1815 & was set afloat
with all her sails set in order to send her over

the falls dand dash her to peices this was done
by the Americans on the 15th Sept 1841
three days before we were there but she
lodged on the rapids & did not go over the falls
her sails, mast, riging, & bulwarks were all
gone nothing but her hull left when we saw
her. after spending 2 hours at the falls, we
took the rail road to Buffaloo, & spent the
night the Boat containing our freight &
chi[l]d & the rest of the company did not get
in untill in the morning. Distance from
Albany to Buffalo is 365 miles

Expenses for myself & family as follows—


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Moore, Mary
unk.-aft. 1847
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1589 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
722 mentions


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Sep 18, 1841

fare 2.50 each 5.00
533 lbs freight 1.50
for provisions 2.12
passage on rail road from Lockport to Buffalo via the falls 4.50
Sundries 5.31