Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1843

Journal Entry

January 17, 1843 ~ Tuesday

17th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This was an interesting day, a day
that was appointed by general procklama-
tion for humiliation fasting & Prayer
& thanksgiving for the release & delivery
we had received Meetings were appointed
in each ward throughout the city I met
at President Joseph Smith's & we had
an interesting time Br Joseph spoke
to some length on the kingdom of God
& the Baptism of John. he said the kingdom
of God was set upon the earth in all ages
from the days of Adam to the presant
time whenever there was a man on earth
who had authority to Administer the
ordinances of the gospel or a priest of God
& unto such a man God did reveal his will
concerning the Baptism of John it was
the Baptism of repentance unto the remission
of sins
for the receiving of the Holy Ghost
& it was the gospel Baptism. These were
questions which had been in debate for
many years & in some degree among the
Saints. He also spoke upon the subject
of honor & dishonor &c many prayers &
exhertations were made I spoke twice &
felt much of the spirit of the Lord & had an
interesting time


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296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
84 mentions
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Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844


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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
The was appointed by General Proclamation for humiliation fasting prayer and thanksgiving for the release and delivery which we had received Meetings were appointed throughout the city. I met at President Joseph Smiths where we had a very interesting time Brother Joseph spoke for some length on the Kingdom of God and the baptism of John and other subjects of interest the substance of which was aftwards delivered by the Prophet in the Temple and which I shall presently give. At our meeting on this General Thankgiving day besides the address of the Prophet many prayers and exhortations were made. I spoke twice and felt much of the Spirit of the present The next day Joseph and his lady made a feast for his friends to keep the day as a time of rejoicing for his deliverance

Jan 17, 1843