18th Sunday I attended meeting at the
Temple Elder P Magin Preached in
the fore part of the day much to our
edifycation, the sacrament was administered
in the afternoon
During the evening some
letters were received from Judge Adams
of Springfield informing us that the
Govornor of Missouri had made another
demand for Joseph Smith at the hands
of the Govornor of Illinois & that
Govornor Ford of Illinois had issued the
writ for his apprehension it was on
the old Missouri Persecution & in fine it
is all persecution. Two messengers
were immediately dispatched to inform
President Joseph Smith of the above facts
he was absent about 200 miles from home
When will Missouri cease her ungodly
persecutions against President Joseph Smith
& the Saints O Lord hasten the day when
the Blood of Saints shall not cry from the
ground in vain & when the Prophets of
God shall not have to flee from the had ond
of the wicked persecutor & oppresser
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When will Missouri cease her ungodly persecutions against President Joseph Smith & the Saints O Lord hasten the day when the blood of Saints shall not cry from the ground in vain & when the Prophets of God shall not have to flee from the ha[n]d v I of the wicked persecutor & oppresser
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