Day in the Life

Aug 26, 1843

Journal Entry

August 26, 1843 ~ Saturday

26th Aug 1843 The quorum of the Twelve
met with the Saints in New York in conference
meeting opened by prayer President Young
arose & addressed the meeting in an interesting
manner upon the subject of the gathering, the
Building of the Nauvoo House & Temple. He spoke
of the Priesthood & said that it was a perfect
system of goverment and made many useful

In the afternoon the conference again
met Prayr By Elder Page the meeting was addressed
by Elder Kimball, spoke in parables, gather in the
wheat and tares thrash the wheat & the mill will
blow away the chaff &c Said an Elder would
get a people together & could get the priest &
people to receive the work if they did not whip
the sect so like a shepherd who would call up a
buck & a flock of sheep & hand them a little salt
& Just as they begin to eat hit him with a club
across the head & the sheep will run away.

Elder G. A. Smith followed & bore testimony of the
work told several anecdotes one from Lyman Wight

said that a man told of a story so big about his
cheese house that a woman did not believ it & asked
a servant if it was true He said that his master
did not let him go into the cheese house but one thing
he new that his master had a tremendous
great cheese house & a great mill of four run of
stone that was carryed by the whay that runs
from the cheese house so let the Elders tel
about the whey but not about what is in the
cheese house as long as they have not seen it
let the misteries alone & speak of things that
you understand. He spoke of his collegiate
education he received from President Joseph
which was, to preach short sermans
& make short prayers which had done him
much good in life.

Elder B Young next spoke
& made some useful remarks said the scriptures
had been mistifyed to that degree that the greatest
divine of the day is as ignorant as the dumm ass
concerning the things of God they dont know their
right hand from their left & we are trying to
revere it to make it so simple that the people
can understand it. Place a man in this room
that is ignorant of science & take evry thing out
that we can see & then ask him if their is
any thing in the room, he says no nothing but
we two. I tel him that there is millions of live
animals in the room even we breath them & I
will show him by the aid of glasses that their
is live animals in one drop of water eight feet long
but he dont believe it untill he sees it through
glasses so with the unbeliever he does not
believe in God, in Angels, in spirits because he
cannot see them, but let him have spiritual
glasses or obey the commandments of God &

get the spirit of God & then he can see & many
other usful remarks he made. A Hymn was
then sung. Then several question were asked

1st Can any member officer in any branch
of the Church say their word is law & should
be obayed (No) Is it right for anA priest to be
joined to a Teacher to go & visit the houses of
each member when their duty is set forth in
the covenants. (Yes any members that are
officers from High priest to Deacon may visit
the church or members & be set apart for this
purpose if the Church will receive it)

[2] I instruction If Elders or High Priest are
on an Island & cannot get word from the
Prophet or the Twelve [they] may get a revelation
concerning themselves, the Twelve may get
a revelation in any part of the world concer-
ning the building up the kingdom as they have
to esstablished the kingdom in all parts of the
world, so any person can ask the Lord for a
witness concerning himself he can get an answ
er to himself but not to lead the Church that
Belongs to the head of the Church

3rd Can a Church make buy laws as expediences
for themselves that are not specifyed
in any revelation (yes if they wish, they may
make laws to stick their fingers in their eyes
if they wish, but it is like sticking their finger
through a not hole, in the wall to see what
custom will do

4th When any person is ordained legally
by the vote of the Church to any office can
he be releaced from that office & priesthood
(No) and hold his standing in the Church (No)

Elder young made many useful remark
conference Adjourned untill tomorrow


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3446 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1433 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Page, John Edward
25 Feb 1799 - 14 Oct 1867
123 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Wight, Lyman
9 May 1796 - 31 Mar 1858
197 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.

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Autobiography Volume 1 circa 1842-1865
The quorum of the Twelve met the Saints in Conference at New York on this day After prayer President Young opened the buisness of the Conference by an interesting address upon the subject of the gathering, the Priesthood and the building of the Temple and Nauvoo House. In the afternoon Elder Kimball spoke very graphically in parables; and Elder George A. Smith followed with anecdotes. One related to his collegiate education received from the Prophet which was to preach short sermons and make short prayers Remarks of President Brigham Young Elder Young next spoke; and among other remarks he said "The Scriptures have been mistified to that degree that the greatest divine of the day is as ignorant as the dumb ass concerning the things of God. They know not their right hand from their left and we are trying to reverse it by making the things of God so simple that the people can understand Place a man in this room who is ignorant of science and take everything out that we can see and then ask him if there is anything in the room. He will say no nothing but us two. I tell him there are millions of live animals in the room and that even we breathe them


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford serves fourth mission in Eastern United States (with other apostles) to raise funds for temple.

Aug 26, 1843