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Day in the Life

Feb 26, 1844

Journal Entry

February 26, 1844 ~ Monday

26 A cold wind from the north Br Reed
worked for me a part of the day I met with
the quorum in the evening [FIGURE] but meeting
closed soon after we arived. Fathers John
& wife & Isaac Morley & wife met with
the quorum in the afternoon & evening
I took a severe cold & had a sick night
^Father John Smith & wife Isaac Morley & wife r[e]c[eive]d their 2nd Anointing & sealings^


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

2 mentions
57 mentions
Reed, John Savage
12 Sep 1784 - 23 Feb 1878
4 mentions
Smith, John, b. 1781
16 Jul 1781 - 23 May 1854
74 mentions
3 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Publication of "The History of Joseph Smith" in the Times and Seasons covering period up to January 7, 1832.

Feb 26, 1844