Day in the Life

Dec 3, 1844

Journal Entry

December 03, 1844 ~ Tuesday

3rd A hand pointing to the right I wrote a long strong letter to Elder Young
gave him an account of the riecklessness of Wm
& ^G. J.^ Adams during this season In the evening
I had the most interesting meeting with the

Saints in Philadelphia that I had with any church
east of the mountains at the close of the meeting
they gave me $50 fifty dollars & Br Grant
took $11 dollars worth of Books of me.
A hand pointing to the right [FIGURE] I wrote another letter with Br Grant he
wishes me to write to him as soon as I get to
England & direct to Philadelphia


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Smith, William B.
13 Mar 1811 - 13 Nov 1893
96 mentions


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Letter from John Taylor, 3 December 1844
Nauvoo. Dear Brother: Having a few moments of leesure I now im- prove them, for the purpose of conferring a little with you as we can- not have an oppertunity of chatting together, we must use this artifi- cial means. Allow me in the first place to congratulate you upon your safe arrival in England with your family where I hope that you & your family enjoy all the happiness & comfort that your circum- stances will admit of: but as your heart is in Zion I must hasten to give you some information in relation to the situation of things in this place. The Temple has progressed very much since your departure the capitols are now all on & present a splendid appearance. I think that I informed you in my last of the movements of the Governor when here, & the papers will inform you that nine persons were indicted ^by the Grand Jury (none of whom were mormons)^ for the murder of Generals Joseph & Hy- rum Smith; among whom is Thomas Sharp, Editor of the Warsaw Signal Senator Davis, our representative in the Senate, & Colonol Williams, of mobocratic memory. The sheriff has lately made an attempt to take some of those men; but has not succeded. A deputy sheriff has gone to Springfield to arrest Davis, having been informed that he has gone there, should this be the case he may probably find an in- convenient change, from the Senate of Illinois to apartments in the jail. Mobobcracy seems to be at an end for the present & all is peace. Nauvoo begins again to resume its former appearance a great many new houses have gone up this fall, Manufacturing establishments are about being commenced of various kinds, we expect a cotton factory to start in the spring & every- thing assumes a lively, & prosperous aspect. Janr 3. Since I commenced this some few circumstances have occured that cause things in the Legistature to wear


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Dec 3, 1844