25th In company with Elders Holmes, Ure, Roger
& Travis we walked through the citty went
through the simetry from then[c]e to the
cholery Monument erected in memory of
the many hundreds of townsmen who wer
suddenly cut down with the cholery & buryed
in deep pitts. They were treated in the following
manner when any were taken unwell they
were carried in a basket to the poor House the
docters stood ready gave brandy & laudlum &
when they got stupifyed & still was generally
supposed to be dead was immediately put into
a box & buried some came to while going to
the grave & were liberated from their
coffins & were ^are^ living yet probably many
were buried alive. 10 m[iles]
In the evening Elder Holmes preached
upon the reign of Christ I followed him
we both had a good time
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