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Day in the Life

Sep 6, 1845

Journal Entry

September 06, 1845 ~ Saturday

6th Brother & Sister Armstrong Arived to day
to go on board of the oregon & numbers of
others I recieved three letters & wrote three
[FIGURES] we forwarded Elder Lorenzo D. Barnes
Trunk to President Young at Nauvoo by Elder
James Houston we could not find the Key &
think the lock is broke. Sisters Emms Daniels
& Cox arived at about midinight I took theirs things
7th Sunday in at the office & they spent
the night at our house distance of the day
[FIGURE] I wrote one letter to B Young [by] 7 m
J Houston I spoke upon some affairs of the Kingdom [FIGURE]


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
2 mentions
4 mentions
16 mentions
Armstrong, John Christopher
27 Nov 1813 - 7 Jun 1881
21 mentions
Barnes, Lorenzo Dow
22 Mar 1812 - 20 Dec 1842
36 mentions


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Letter to Brigham Young, 6 September 1845
President Brigham Young Dear Brother This is to inform you that I have forwarded Elder Lorenzo D Barnes trunk with all its contents to you for Examination by the hand of Elder James Houston when you have examined it taken int into your custody & retained his Journals or any thing els that you think will be a benefit to the Chuch as touching his life or Hisstory you can forward to his Father & Mother & friends such things as you in your wisdom think proper when an oppertunity offers I have no doubt but his friends ie fathers family would Highly prize any articles he has left that may fall into his their hands But these matters are left to your own Judgment. I also send a package of the last Stars to the Twelve directed to you. please distribute them as you have an oppertunity. Br Hedlock is about clearing the ship Oregon with about 760 passengers for Nauvoo I forwarded you a letter conserning the Bell & Clock whethe it should be purchased in America or England I shall be looking for an answer from you soon. I consider it Due Elder Houston to say he has proved himself worthy true & faithful in all
Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
On the th of this month I forwarded the trunk of Elder Lorenzo Barnes to President Young by Elder Houston who went on board of the Oregon with a number of others of the Saints.


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Sep 6, 1845