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Day in the Life

Sep 5, 1845

Journal Entry

September 05, 1845 ~ Friday

5th [FIGURES] I recieved 3 letters wrote 2
one to Peter McCue one to Martha Sutliff
inforning her that Amos Fielding is not president
of the Church in Britain or of the Temple
funds As I was informed that she was holding
on to the Temple Funds to give to him. I
went on board of the Ship Oregon & picked
out A berth for Br John Armstrong & Eliza
& tow other Sisters 4 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Fielding, Amos
16 Jul 1792 - 5 Aug 1875
47 mentions
4 mentions
Armstrong, John Christopher
27 Nov 1813 - 7 Jun 1881
21 mentions
1 mention
10 mentions


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Sep 5, 1845