I met with Elders Hedlock & Ward
this morning & laid before them the feelings
of my whole soul concerning our situation
in Liverpool both temporally & spiritually
their had been quit[e] a misunderstanding among
us for six month we had not bowed our
knees together for that length of time but I
told the brethren what I wished to de done
And it seemed to be a profitable meeting
At the close we bowed our knees together
& had prayers. And we came to an under
standing of each other 4
24th I parted with the Saints in Peterborough took
stage & rode to Nashua, took cars & rode to Boston
fare from Peterboro to Boston $3. I took cab rode
to the post office obtained [FIGURES] a letter from Phebe at
2 Scarboroug stating that the children were both sick
or had been & Phebe vary sick at the present time
I rode to Br Phelps read my letters with feelings of
interest Prepared for leaving early in the morning
Elder Crosby spent the night with me, there had been a
serious time in Boston in some trials in my absence 80 miles
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