Day in the Life

Oct 26, 1845

Journal Entry

October 26, 1845 ~ Sunday

26th Sunday I went to meeting And spoke
in the Afternoon & was followed by Elder
Ward & Cuerden we had a good meeting
I preached in the evening after Elder
Marsden And had a good time 4


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cuerden, Henry
abt. 1820 - aft. 1870
Ward, Thomas
9 Sep 1808 - 4 Mar 1847

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Letter from James Houston, 26 October 1845
North AMareca Dear Brothren In the Lord Acording to Promis I Will Atemp to Wright A fue Lins to Let you Know How we got on Well we have had A fin Pasage. But the first 10 Days we had it verey ruff there is maney things that I Could say But I have not tim. But to Com to the Bit our Provesion Turned out Pretey Well except the Bisket and the Tee. Altho ther was soom of the saints ^Thought that tha^ should have All things the saim As at Home. All things frash we have had Preshing evrey sabeth Day and Admistered the sackrment except this one and the first Sabeths the first that war Mostley sick today tha an All on the Look out to se What tha Can the Captin and Cru has Bin verey frendley with us Br Robenson and his famley has Bin sicknss soom of them All the tim there All recovered But his Wife and a Child thar Ar on the Way of recovey I Think. one of his Children dyed on the 24 instent it was Bured on the same Day I ^spoke^ A Letel on the recerektion the Childs was tow yers of Age. I have the good Will of the Most of the Saints Brother yoman Acted ^the^ Part of A Father to Me Try to send men if Posebel for rulers that Will Make Pece and not be Pece Brakers Men that Wants to be At the Tope of the Tree ar often found At the Botem


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Oct 26, 1845