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Day in the Life

Nov 19, 1845

Journal Entry

November 19, 1845 ~ Wednesday

19th [FIGURES] I recieved 4 letters &
wrote 8 I sent letters to all the
American Elders in this land 4


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the whole United States have filled up there cup of Iniquity And well may the Saints go out of her midst As did Lot out of Sodom for her Judgment and destruction is equally sure The Saints having built the Temple of the Lord & the City of Joseph Are now about to be drove out of it By the American Nation this is a strange Age we live in the Bible & Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants are fast fulfilling upon the heads of this generation thus has American liberty with her proud eagle found a sepulchre there to remain untill resurrected by some power who will be promped by virtue to Administ[er] those laws in equity & Justice that the present Administrators have not moral courage enough to maintain against the power of Mobocracy [3]
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Brigham Young, 19 November 1845
City of Joseph Mr Wilford Woodruffe Dear Brother Your letter of Sep came safe to hand as also the trunk by the hands of Br Houston. As the contents thereof wherein any thing that relates to the History of the Church I shall be careful to preserve as any documents, journals or papers which can throw a light upon the History are now required and sought after by our Historian, and as to a distribution of the property that shall be distributed as will prove satisfactory to all parties concerned I am please with the news that Br Hadlock is doing well and is soon to leave in the Ship Origon for this place this is as it should be for I am desirous that he as also Br Ward should leave England so as to be here to recieve their endowment before we leave next Spring. You of course now understand my mind upon this subject and will direct affairs accordingly I am glad also of the good commendations give to Br Houston and of his labours and the wish which you expressed that he might have a private conversation with me shall be gratified and the result thereof in due time communicated In regard to a desire that good and faithful might be sent to your assistance and to act in concert with you we shall shortly commenced to give the endowment to such men as we shall select for the Mission for sh to England and shall dispatch them as soon immediately that you joy may be full in no case shall be we give our recommend sanction and fellowship but to such as have proven themselves worthy of the same by a life of unmitigated escertions for the upbuilding of the Kingdom. Men who have proven them. Men of direction and sound judgment for we have resolved not to send forth Elders who are not of the above class I am pleased to hear of the labours of Br Jones in the Welch Country the good success which crowned his labours were such as make us rejoice when we see the prosperity


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Nov 19, 1845