Day in the Life

Nov 27, 1845

Journal Entry

November 27, 1845 ~ Thursday

27 [FIGURES] I recieved 6 letters wrote 3 I went
on board of the fire king & set sail for
Glasgow It was A rough night I was vary
sick & vomited much


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Letter from Leonard Wilford Hardy, 27 November 1845
Bradford My Dear Brother Woodruff I now take my pen to informe you that I have arived home safe to the Land that gave me Birth and found my wife and family all well and all the Saints in that^is^ region and all much rejoiced to se me once more standing in there midst my wife and Daughtor could not speak for joy for some time But it was truly A happy time to me to meet my friends once more here on the shores of time and enjoy their company again and find them rejoicing in the Gospel of our Savour I feel verry anxious to hear from you and the Saints in England for truly you are my best councellor and they are near and Dear to my heart my mind often runs back to England amonks my Brethren & sisters [page torn] ^my^ prayers shall be Daily that they may be subject [page torn] your councel for I know it is good by experiance [page torn] found my family rather Destitute of the things of the world but not A word of complaint from her She says the Brethren & sisters have been verry kind to her ever since I left home and She has no reason if to complaine she thinks much of you and Sister Woodruff and wants so see you much the Blessing you pronounced on her head has given her much comfort and has been fulfilled according to your prediction which gives her much joy and satisfaction she and the children sends their kind love to you and Sister Woodruff with there thanks for the presents sent to them By sister Woodruff & Jackson I never wanted to hear from you more than I do at the present time I want to know how all things are in England about Emegration for there is many reports here about the Brethren leaving Nauvoo for California in the spring and I want you to write me all you know about it and give me all the instruction you can


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Nov 27, 1845