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Day in the Life

Oct 3, 1846

Journal Entry

October 03, 1846 ~ Saturday

3rd I spent this day in council & the evening


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in the hands of God. He works with the wicked by law and when they trespass upon his rights God is there to maintain them. Many other remarks were made by President Young when meeting was dismissed one hour during the intermission Elders I visited the sick council met in the aftern oon and attended to some business on hand
~ Brigham Young

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Letter from Joseph Albert Stratton, 3 October 1846
St Louis Bro Woodruff To days paper enclosed contains a letter From the Meyor, that I thought would be intervesting to you So I will Send it by the hand of Bro Vancott. The paper als[o] contains the latest inteligence from the army which is of importance an yesterday I recived a letter from J C Little of Peterbaruan Ny W N H he has been sick but has recoverd is going to Washington immediately. Says all is prity well in the East. Strang & Adams are in N York. Foster the former presiding Elder has joined. Bro L wishes me to assertain what I can get from 50 to 100 waggons mad[e] for he says that he will be along in the spring. I am very anxious to here from your council with regard to our fitouts more Especialy wagons & teems Shall we get them here or at least befor we get to the camp? I have thought about the Propriety of geting our waggos & fitout here with the Exception of our live stock the latter we will send some of our Brothern to b[u]y wher- ever they can he has the cheapest and drive them by land to the Bluffs we with our waggons & fit out will go by watter to the Bluffs. geer up our teems & off. what think ye of it My health is poor. I feel like the ague but I hope to escape all your appostates are comeing down here. Prey for me my lot [written sideways in margin] is a hard one but I have no fears. Peace be with fare well god bless you from your Brother J A Stratton in great haste I have written this that evedent [end of sideways text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Oct 3, 1846