201 Sunday the camp of Israel met in A general meeting on the public
square President Young addressed the meeting & spoke upon a variety of
subjects. He said while speaking upon the spirits that we should prepare
our hearts to recieve the spirit of the Lord & we ought to recieve
any spirit that comes to us into our hearts enough to prove whether it
be good or bad then we should recieve the good & refuse the evil. He
reproved the people sharply for their stealing & other wickedness
for complaining & many things of interest was spoken unto us. I
met in council with the Twelve at 4 oclok & spent a little
season in speaking upon the celestial law of the kingdom of God &
our souls were made glad & we rejoiced before the Lord. we also
called into Br Bensons & spent a social hour, we then met with
the High council But not much business was done. we had a
severe snow storm during the night
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