Day in the Life

Apr 13, 1847

Journal Entry

April 13, 1847 ~ Tuesday

13th I was vary busy this day I painted one waggon to take
away to sell. I got another Horse to take with me
on the journey. I was in council with the quorum of
the Twelve untill midnight Elder John Taylor was
with us He arived in the city in the evening on his
returned from England we were all glad to meet
with him once more. He Brought the following instru-
ments fioor our use on this pioneer Journey two sextons
two Byrometers, two artificial Horison, one circle of
Reflection one telescope [blank] all of which
where exhibited to us in the evening & Boxed up so that we
could take them along. I spent the remainder of the night
at home the last night I shall spend at winter quarters for
a long time


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Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1960 mentions


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Apr 13, 1847