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Day in the Life

Apr 18, 1847

Journal Entry

April 18, 1847 ~ Sunday

[FIGURE] 18th Sunday I wrote a letter home to Mrs
Woodruff by Br Eames who wished to return back
I perused several papers to day. but did not find
much news. Br O Pratt took an observation of his Barom-
eter. President Young called the captains together &
gave them instruction to travel in the morning two
abrest & let all who were not driving teams carry
their guns & walk by the side of the waggons let
no man go away hunting to get of sight of the camp
The bugle was to be blown at half past 8 oclok at
night when all was to go to prayers in their several
waggons & retire to bed by 9 oclok. The bugle
will blow at 5 oclok in the morning to arise & pray
& two hours will be allotted the camp to dress pray
cook eat feed horses harness &c & start at the blowing
of the bugle at 7 oclok this is the order of
the camp Travellers have freequently spoken
of the Platt River in relation to it I will


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
Eames, Ellis
1 mention
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1544 mentions


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
President Young called the captains together and gave them instructions concerning our travel We were to start in the morning two abreast all who were not driving teams were to carry their guns and walk by the side of the waggons and no man to go hunting to get out of sight of the camp. In the morning ^evening^ the bugle was to be blown at half past 8 o'clock ^5 o'clock^ and the camp to arise and pray cook eat feed horses harness them &c and start at the call of the bugle at 7 oclock and at night the bugle was to be blown at half past eight when all wasere to go to prayers in their several waggons and retire to bed by 9 o'clock. Each Saturday night we were to pitch our tents or camp in our waggons and rest forrom our journey on the Sabbath. This was the order of the Camp It was quite cold on Monday morning The bugle blew at five o'clock for prayers and at seven for starting We travelled according to general orders and bore a no[r]therly direction until about noon when we reached the north bend of the Platt^e^ 10 1/2 miles north of the ford. Professor Pratt took an observation and found it to be in Lat. 41. 27. 5.: The crossing place of the Horn was in Lat. 41. 16. 24., making the North Bend of the Platt 10 1/2 miles north of the Ford. We formed a circle at noon and baited. While nooning Elder Little P. Rockwell and two others arrived and brought the mail. I received two letters one from my wife and one from Leonard Hardy of Mass. who informed me that Milton Homes hand his father and mother had turned Strangites and been cut off the Church Brother Little brought with him


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Apr 18, 1847