30th O Pratt took observations on the north Bank of
the Platt River 17 miles from the last station
at 6 1/2 A.M. of the Barrometer mercury stood at
27.716 Attached Ther. 50° detached Ther. 48°
S.E. wind fair. At noon Lat 40° 42' 37". At 6 1/2 PM
17 miles west of morning station Bar. 27.933 Inch &
Att[ached]. Ther 43°.5 deta[ched] Ther. 41°.5 North wind fair
we travled to day 16 miles & camped without wood
or water the wind Blew Hard in the evening. the
Ther stood at 41°. the grass was short affording but
little feed 16 [miles]
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