Day in the Life

May 11, 1847

Journal Entry

May 11, 1847 ~ Tuesday

11th quite warm to day we travled 5 miles & made A short halt
then travled 3 1/2 miles & camped A little below the junktion of
the Noth & south forks of the Platt River I felt quite unwell the
use of fresh meet does not as yet agree vary well with me 8 1/2 miles
we see but few Buffalo today some Antelope & Deer &c

Professor Pratt informed me that He took an observation for
the Longitude May 7th on the opposite bank of the Platt from
whare Freemont gives the Longitude in his travels Proffessor Pratt
made the Longitude to be 100° 5' 45" making it two seconds of
a degree less than Freemont ownly about 10 rods which was vary
close calculating. He also found the Lat 1/2 a mile west of this nights
encampment to be 41° 7' 44"


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Frémont, John Charles Fremont
31 Jan 1813 - 13 Jul 1890
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


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May 11, 1847