Day in the Life

May 14, 1847

Journal Entry

May 14, 1847 ~ Friday

14th I went out early in the morning to Hunt some
Buffalo I cashed myself in the bank & a large Herd
came along, but their old Bulls was out as a rear &
front guard & there was none of their young cattle
near enough for me to shooht so they past by I saw
some more coming I way laid them they proved to
be 7 Bulls I fired at the youngest one while [he] passed by
but missed him. I then returned to camp took
breakfast had a hard shower of rain & some words
with Br Fowler & started out again Hunting Br Higby
soon Killed an Antelope that was put on board
of a boat called the revenue cutter Phineas Young
& myself went out together waited for Buffalo &
Antilope I finally got lost among the Bluff, but
found my way out again Br Phineas shot
an Buck Antilope & I carried him into camp
there was 3 Antilope & one Buffalo Bull killed. some of the
Hunters thought they herd Indian guns on the opposit side of the
river during the night An Indian cralled up to a pair of mules
that was tied togeth & made a grab to ketch theym the^y^ sprung & got
away from him one of the guards shot at him & he run all Horses
were then brought into the circle & the cannon prepared for firing
but seeing no more it was not fired travled 8 miles


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May 14, 1847