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Day in the Life

May 21, 1847

Journal Entry

May 21, 1847 ~ Friday

21st Before we left the encampment Br Clayton put up a guide board
with the following inscription for the benefit of the next camp
from winter Quarters 409 miles from the Junction 93 1/4 ceder
36 1/2 Ash Hollow 8 miles, & 133 from Fort Laramee
we travled to day 7 1/2 miles & nooned in the afternoon 8 m
& camped for the night. we saw 8 or 10 buffalo today but
have not seen but few for several days we saw some deer &
antilope to day I killed a bagger with the jaw bone of a
buffalo. Just as we got to a camping place two Indians came
from the bluffs riding towards us & made signs for us to come
to them several of the brethren went, it was a Sioux Indian & his
wife they talked by signs awhile & went away distance of the day 15 1/2 miles


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Clayton, William
17 Jul 1814 - 4 Dec 1879
105 mentions


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May 21, 1847