Day in the Life

Feb 29, 1848

Journal Entry

February 29, 1848 ~ Tuesday

29th I rode with Br Petty to Fort Kearney was introduced
to the Quartermaster Van Fleet & other officers I dined with
Br Albert Petty who was doing their Blacksmithing
After spending several hours at the fort we crossed the
ferry & returned to Mr Platts & spent the night 20 m[iles]


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Petty, Albert
10 Aug 1795 - 19 Jun 1869
78 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
1 mention


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e. I had one of the most interesting dreams of my life during the night most of it was taken from me when I awoke I flew through the air from state to state & escaped from the hand of my enemies I went to HEAVEN and saw the Saints in their employment I saw Joseph & Hiram Smith & many others who had died of the Latter Day Saints, the innumerable company of saints which I saw seemed to be prepairing for some grand & important event which I could not understand many were busily ingaged in making crowns for the Saints one crown did not suit the artist so they cut it into in the middle to make it over new the saints were all dressed in white robes both male and female, my soul was filled with Joy & glory while I gazed upon the scenery that surrounded me but I awoke and behold it was a dream
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Feb 29, 1848